Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Man in the Mirror

Well if I needed an inspiration for this week this would most definitely be it. Mico Toledos set of Music Philosophy are a combination of type and music. PERFECT! you know since thats what we're suppose to be doing in type 2 anyways.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

I can't be random?

Random system is kicking my butt! Suggestions pleasee! Unfortuantly I don't have a picture of the original but here it is redone for those that remember the first version

Update: played around with this stamp thing just to give it some texture, let me know which one is better/any other suggestions

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Spring break has finally arrived and so far is looking very relaxing. Our teachers were wonderful and didn't pile too much work on us.

Type - no drop cap, poster, inspiration, or process due.. but I'll probably do it anyways. We just have to fix up our posters and start on the grid system. I'll probably find a day this week and just go poster crazy! Hopefully, I'll be able to start working on including analog because I've wanted to do that I just have always felt too rushed!

Form - Photo form is our new assignment which is somewhat based off our sonic form. We are going to create a "book" using photos of an object, person, or place and create a narration using the photos and form of the book alone. My inspiration for this project comes from graffiti artist Banksy! I love Banksy's little girl with the balloon and have been even considering getting a tattoo of it. Although I don't necessarily want a heart shaped red balloon, I'm gonna be buying lots of red balloons and spending way too much time photographing them. I'm trying to take as much as possible in as many different settings and times that I can. As for my sentence of narration I don't want to think too much about it yet just kinda wanna see what I get.

We also need to think of the form of the book, I have several ideas going about non-book looking books but I also really like the idea of a simple photo book such as the one below. So we'll see what happens.

Print - task for print is to bevel my edges of my plate (will have to wait till I get back to school) and make a drawing from observation. NOT FUN! Don't really know where I'm gonna go with it but I guess we'll see.

My goal for spring break - RELAX and get organized. So many hectic things and not enough time to figure them out.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Army Strong - Drop Cap (Process 5)

Yay so delayed of a post! I don't know how I forgot my process.. or even to blog this past week. Things are getting crazy I NEED SPRING BREAK. But anyways, green drop cap.. yeah I pretty much thought of every green object that I could and picked from the list the one that I found most interesting. I trekked all over Newark until I found green army men (closet location to where I started, yet last place I checked). Surprisingly they now seem to make them in every color which was annoying. I played around with the army men for a while before finally deciding to just be cliche and make an A. Lame, I know. They were hard to form into a letter and the hot glue was a mess as usual but I think it came out alright in the end. In critique people suggested possibly making it with serifs.. which I want to try but it got damaged on the way home and needs some fixing first. Process pictures below!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Crave This

So I sit here starving waiting for my dinner to arrive and figure oh hey I'll go check out one of my regular websites. What do I find? The word cravings out of every possible food I could want right now. Talk about obnoxious.. all it did was make me even more HUNGRY. Stomach, not happy; Design inspiration; very happy.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

In the Rainforest

This week's inspiration comes in the form of a website. Urban Outfitters is actually hosting a huge concert series in Austin. They've been posting for weeks information on bands and stuff going on there and recently just put a link to their website that gives out all sorts of information on places to go and stuff to do in Austin. I figured a little background information could help me out with this project for designing upcoming posters.

Dilatational Posters

Yay for posting today. Since I've been slowly getting around to this I'm finally using today to catch up on some blogging (and avoiding my womens studies test I should be studying for) This week's system.. dilatational .. fun right! Well I was still struggling with my radial so dilatational went right over my head. Below are my two posters for this system that will for sure be changed/updated/possibly remade within the next couple days. (no border on the first one my computer added it after)

So you would think in art classes we would have some sucessfully amazing work welll we listened to music today and just kinda drew/painted/doodled to how we felt.. and this is how they came out! yeah i know first graders do better

Found object Drop Cap (4)

Type drop cap inspiration (Friends of Type)

This week's drop cap needed to be made out of found objects. I have a bad habit of keeping all those damn little flyers that are handed out on campus. For months now I have wanted to start using them for a project and this week's drop cap was the perfect opportunity. I decided to do an R for "reduce, reuse and recycle." Delaware is all about recycling yet they continue to hand out stupid pieces of paper that end up being thrown on the ground or thrown in the trash and not recycled. I started with cardboard base and then covered it with the pieces of paper.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Drop Cap Week 3

So 3D drop cap.. well immediately my mind went to flowers and cardboard but well I ended up not liking the idea and the clicheness of it. I thought back to our covering project for design last year and thought about how hard I tried to cover both chairs and a dress in goldfish and failed miserably both times. I was determined to make a letter out of goldfish this time. I continued with the cardboard rather than layering the goldfish because I didn't think that they would stay together too well. I think I might have went a little overboard with the hot glue considering it was EVERYWHERE and you can see it through the goldfish but as always I was satisfied with my result! Process pictures below

Radial Posters - Process 3

Blogger colors gotta hate them, anyways these are my final radial posters for type. Radial kicked my butt this week and I'm not sure if I exactly accomplished anything I wanted to. Again I searched the internet for hours for good examples of radial posters and found close to none. The first poster was inspired by the geometric posters I found on Kim Beckmans flickr. From here I played with squares, circles and eventually ended with triangles just to make it a little edgy. The type was hard to place so that it would still come off a circle but at the same time be sort of spacey. I finally needed to play with colors and wanted to use bright colors to contrast a dark black background. I think I have a pattern of bright colors considering the color scheme of my Axial posters also. After a little more fidgeting with the poster I came up with the color scheme I wanted to use. The stupid logos were making me angry and looked dumb so I just threw them at the bottom and called it a day. The second poster was one huge STRUGGLE. I must have started/edited/rearranged/stopped/deleted/remade at least 10 different poster designs. I was never happy with any of them and would get frustrated and move on. I wanted to incorporate a circle into the design and thought more about what is a circle and thats where I was led to the circle graph. It took a little time making it and deciding the size of the pieces and where to leave it blank. Although the large text does not come from a center of a circle or axis, I am ready to fight it... or change it. I continued with the circle graph theme and added the color circles below it. I'm not sure how successful this poster will be but I'm happy with the way it came out especially with all the stress that was behind it.

Inspiration:I saw this type wheel which led me to the pie graph.

Final radial posters:

UPDATED: After the whole sophomore VC class got there butts handed to them on a platter at critique, we all knew we needed to start over with radial. The pie graph seemed to be the poster that was working best out of my two so it was the one I concentrated on first. The key text needed to be changed and the text within the circle wasn't working. After rearranging the necessary text, I created a texture within the graph of the numbers they represent and then within the key used to show what these numbers meant.

Just found this amusing. Gotta love Friends of Type

Graphic Translation Part 1 and 2

I know I skipped part 1 (forgot to photograph) but for part 2 I chose to use my shoelace icon to create active symbols from. We needed to choose 12 verbs and then make the original icon look as though they are doing something. My 12 verbs were

break, knot/tie, shrink, run, fray, hug?, twirl, bounce, hide, blow/wind, drag.. and well i'm not sure the word for the last one but like claw?

UPDATE: Today we got the first part back and I had the chance to photograph it below are my icons. Icon = simplified version of an object/product. Incase you couldn't figure it out my products are..

coke bottle, tape dispenser, lipstick, button, ipod, toilet paper, shoelaces, tissues, toothpaste, paint brush, pillow, and bobby pin